GVEA Special Board Meeting Scheduled

On Monday, June 27, Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)’s Board of Directors is holding a special board meeting to vote on adopting a plan surrounding GVEA’s future generation, including a decision on the retirement or extension of Healy Unit 1. Members can attend using Microsoft Teams.

What: GVEA Special Board Meeting regarding strategic generation plans

When: Monday, June 27, starting at 6 p.m.

To attend:

If you are a GVEA member and would like to make a comment during the meeting, please sign up in advance by emailing Susan Redlin or text (907) 978-0547.

This special board meeting follows member meetings that were held last month to discuss the future of Healy Unit 1. Over 200 members attended meetings in Healy and Fairbanks, with many more listening online. There were over 80 member comments shared during the meetings, and over 100 comments submitted by email. Healy 1 Written Comments (PDF).

The Healy Unit 1 decision, and the associated deadline, was the starting point for consideration of GVEA’s future generation, but it is part of a much broader strategic generation analysis. GVEA employees, consultants and the board spent the past 18 months extensively evaluating different strategic generation scenarios. All viable options were considered and carefully assessed, along with potential implications.

Since generation decisions are interconnected and impact rates, reliability and the environment, the analysis of scenarios looked beyond our immediate needs and focused on a vision for the future. Based on this, GVEA’s scenarios looked not just at Healy 1, but evaluated and considered legacy decisions to determine the best course of action for the entire system. A presentation regarding the analysis and findings will be shared during the special board meeting.

At every step, the focus has always remained on making decisions that benefit GVEA’s membership as a whole and ensuring that GVEA can always meet its mission to provide safe, reliable electric service to our members at fair and reasonable prices.

June 27, 2022 Special Meeting Notice (PDF)